Monday, 30 June 2014

More on Alarm Panel Interfacing

I've Been Busy...

I haven't had the chance to update things for a while, but for those interested, I'd like to share some build pictures of my Alarm Interface.  And yes, it's working and in service, with a nice programming GUI. (Links at the end - code will be up "soon").

Teaser Render!

Measure Twice, Cut Once, Get a New Ruler....

History Repeats

With past projects, I've made some mistakes that are common to a lot of projects.  Who hasn't mixed up D+ and D- on a 485 driver?

One thing I've added to my workflow is using excel to help build my new packages.  In Altium you can copy pin information from a pdf into a table, massage it as needed and then pate it onto Altium.  I've configured 100 pin devices like this in a lot less time it would take to edit them one by one.